Item Coversheet

Agenda Request
July 19, 2023


AGENDA OF: Posted Public Meeting

INITIATED BY: Kareem Heshmat, Senior Planner 


Jim Callaway, Assistant City Manager, Ruth Lohmer, Assistant Director of Planning & Development Services and Lauren Fehr, Assistant Director of Planning & Development Services


Review of and discussion on an Update to the Development Code proposing two (2) Mixed-Use Zoning Districts.
Hold a joint workshop with the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council on the two new proposed Mixed-Use Zoning Districts.

The purpose of this joint City Council/ Planning & Zoning Commission workshop is to review and discuss the creation of two new mixed-use zoning districts (MU-R: Mixed-Use – Regional and MU-N: Mixed-Use – Neighborhood) to implement Regional and Neighborhood Activity Centers designated in the 2018 Land Use Plan. This is the second joint workshop on the topic.



City Council adopted an update to the City’s Land Use Plan (the “Plan”) on August 7, 2018 (Ordinance No. 2119). The Land Use Plan is Chapter 6 of the City’s Comprehensive Plan and one of eight official master plans. The Plan is intended to guide the development and redevelopment of Sugar Land into the future.


The Land Use Plan outlines policy direction and guidance for making land use decisions and reaching the City’s long-term vision. An essential element of the long-term vision is the creation of Regional Activity Centers and Neighborhood Activity Centers (RACs and NACs), which will be mixed-use areas that are regional and neighborhood hubs of activity (Land Use Plan Goal 2). The Plan supports the inclusion of residential in Activity Centers and recognizes the importance of providing a range of housing types to meet the needs of a wide range of people in various ages and stages of life (Land Use Plan Goal 3). Goal 8 encourages balanced growth through development and redevelopment, connecting the City’s land use decisions with its long-term financial health. In a new focus for the City, Goal 9 urges the City to foster redevelopment, including supporting rehabilitation and redevelopment to prevent declining retail centers and supporting infill development where opportunities remain. For additional information, the Land Use Plan can be viewed by clicking here:


RAC and NAC Implementation Project

One of the High Priority Action Items in the Land Use Plan directs the City to evaluate the best way to implement RACs and NACs, including consideration of creating new zoning district(s). As a result, in early 2021 the City initiated a two-phased project with Clarion Associates, a firm with nationwide experience in writing, updating, and researching development codes with an emphasis on redevelopment, to identify appropriate methods for promoting mixed-use development and redevelopment in the RACs & NACs through zoning and economic incentives. Phase I resulted in an Assessment and Recommendations Report which encouraged the City to create two new mixed-use zoning districts to implement RACs and NACs.


Over the last year, staff has worked with Clarion in Phase II to develop these new zoning districts. To support and inform the development of the two new mixed-use zoning districts, the City Manager appointed a Joint Advisory Task Force consisting of three councilmembers and three Planning & Zoning Commissioners: Mayor Joe Zimmerman, Councilmember Kermally and Councilmember McCutcheon, P&Z Chair Matt Caligur, Commissioner Chuck Brown and Commissioner Mary Smith. The task force held initial workshops which focused on education and discussed project objectives, while latter workshops shared material findings on a variety of urban planning, economic development and redevelopment strategies. Task Force also completed review of the draft mixed-use districts and provided input to staff for consideration.  


Mixed-Use Zoning Districts

The below list summarizes the standards drafted in Phase II. A primary component of successful mixed-use districts includes new, innovative housing configurations and multifamily housing allowable by-right under a certain threshold. The draft code introduces new housing forms such as cottage court homes, triplexes, fourplexes and sixplexes and permits them by-right with form limitations (e.g., building height, placement on lot, etc.). Expanded housing forms promote a greater mix of housing and allows amenities such as retail and daily services to be reachable within walking distance. Next, by introducing a minimum of nonresidential and residential uses at certain development sizes, in conjunction with buffering and transitions adjacent to existing neighborhoods, the code creates inviting pedestrian-friendly streetscapes and provides the residential density necessary to support nonresidential retail, restaurants and services. The code promotes incremental redevelopment and provides flexibility for areas to evolve over time and respond to market changes and pressure. Lastly, reductions in minimum parking standards eliminate excess parking, thereby reducing construction costs and environmental impacts while elevating taxable uses.


A summary of six elements essential to the success of mixed-use districts as drafted in Phase II are below. An at-length description of the essential elements is attached.

  1. Provide a Home Nearby for Family
  2. Enable Walkable Places for People
  3. Facilitate Less Driving and More Living Through Reduced Parking
  4. Respect Adjacent Neighborhoods
  5. Streamline and Reward Innovative Development
  6. Accelerate Redevelopment


Community Engagement – Round 1

As of July 2023, staff has presented City Council’s top priority for redevelopment and supporting data to over 800 attendees across 30+ community meetings such as HOA and interest groups and at city-sponsored events like Fall Fest in September 2022 and Food Truck Friday in June 2023.


Staff has leveraged physical and digital partnerships through digital media, including social networks, local newspapers, and the city website to advertise and promote several engagement opportunities. Since January 2023, Code feedback has been received through numerous engagements, including two developer round tables, multiple HOA meetings, and a citywide Town Hall.


On May 9, 2023, staff presented Public Draft #1 to a joint meeting of the City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission. During the meeting, approximately 15 members of the public spoke during public comment and the Council and Commission had a robust discussion. Public comments and Council/ Commission discussion focused on:

  • Planning & Zoning Commission, City Council, Director Authority/Delegation
  • Mechanics of Administering the Code
  • Mixed-Use Concept Plan Public Engagement
  • Required Minimum Mix of Uses
  • Pedestrian Enhancements
  • Housing
    • Missing Middle
    • Multi-Family
    • Cottage Courts


Community Engagement – Round 2

Since the first joint workshop on Tuesday May 9th, staff has conducted additional engagement:


  • Konveio (~500 comments total; ~200 focused on Public Draft #1)
  • On Monday, May 1st, staff published to the project website a draft mixed-use code (“Public Draft #1). Utilizing a new technology solution called Konveio, staff collected comments from the public on the draft code through an interactive portal. After registering for an account, residents, developers, City Council and Planning & Zoning Commission were able to read the code in its entirety and add comments.
  • Frequently Asked Questions (“FAQs”) were drafted and made available on the project website to reach a wider audience.
  • At the close of the Konveio comment window on Friday 5/19, staff thanked respondents for their participation and directed them to the project website.  Staff compiled a list of all comments and considered the feedback to inform any modifications to the draft.
  • More information is available on the project webpage at


  • Food Truck Friday
  • On Friday June 16th at Memorial Park, staff hosted an informational booth explaining City Council’s redevelopment priority and detailing the draft mixed-use code in greater detail.
  • Staff met with approximately 20 residents and took suggestions on focus areas and topics (such as employment centers, transit, etc.) for the mixed-use code.


  • “Pop Up With A Planner” Series
  • On Tuesday, June 27th, staff hosted HOA leaders from Barrington Place and Covington Woods at Zelie Beans Coffee to walk through the draft mixed-use zoning code and specific Development Code changes. This was an innovative way to engage residents outside of structured events.
  • Staff is working with other HOA leaders to schedule additional “Pop Ups” in the future.


Lastly, two more engagement opportunities are available to residents through public hearings at the August 24th Planning & Zoning Commission meeting and at the September 19th City Council meeting.


Next Steps

Following this joint workshop, staff will continue to work with Clarion to refine the draft mixed-use code based on input from the public, City Council, and Planning & Zoning Commission. Once the code is complete, the Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing and make a recommendation to City Council on the Development Code revisions. The Commission’s review will take place on or after August 24, 2023.







1. Mixed Use District Code Public Draft #2Other Supporting Documents
2. Six Essential Elements SummaryOther Supporting Documents
3. Summary of Comments and FeedbackOther Supporting Documents