Item Coversheet

City Council Agenda Request
May 15, 2018


AGENDA OF: City Council Meeting

INITIATED BY: Rick Ramirez, Intergovernmental Relations Manager

PRESENTED BY: Rick Ramirez, Intergovernmental Relations Manager

RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: Intergovernmental Relations

Consideration of and action on authorizing renewal of a Contract with Focused Advocacy, LLC, for state legislative consulting services from June 1, 2018 to May 31, 2020 in the base amount of $9,500 per month, $350 per month for associated client-related business meetings, and other costs as may be shown in the contract.
Approval of contract renewal with Focused Advocacy, LLC, for state legislative consulting services for two-year period beginning June 1, 2018 and ending May 31, 2020.
The City of Sugar Land currently contracts with Focused Advocacy (FA) to provide state legislative consulting services. Over the past two years FA has assisted the city with a number of significant issues including those related to the ongoing efforts to redevelop the Central Prison Unit and a variety of legislative and regulatory issues that directly impact the city and the quality of life of its residents. Specifically, FA aided the City's Office of Intergovernmental Relations in accomplishing three legislative priorities in City Council's 2017 Legislative Agenda: qualifying the city to save millions in taxpayer money by receiving tax rebates from the State for the construction of a future hotel/conference center (HB 2445); passing legislation for the development of the Telfair Tract 5 Commercial Management District which will coordinate security and parking at Tract 5 (HB 4297); and passing legislation that allows cities all across the state to construct hike and bike trails in electric utility right-of-way at little to no cost for the land (HB 931). It is also important to mention the contributions of all of the members of the City's Legislative Delegation in Austin that filed and supported these bills on behalf of the City and its citizens.

Future legislative work will be required to help the City formulate and adopt the City’s Legislative Agenda for the upcoming 86th Session of the Texas Legislature. Although FA aids the City in the development and implementation of the Legislative Agenda, it is ultimately created by the City Council on behalf of the citizens with the entire community in mind. In general, the Legislative Agenda supports measures that empower the City to protect the health, safety and welfare of its citizens while opposing any measure that would diminish the City's ability to function effectively or that would erode its authority to govern its own local affairs.

The current two-year contract is set to expire on May 31, 2018, and has a clause that it may be renewed upon the written mutual consent of both parties. Accordingly, FA has submitted a letter to the City indicating they wish to renew the contract for another two-year term beginning June 1, 2018, without any changes to the existing contract pricing or scope.

As detailed in the scope of services, FA represents the City in dealings with elected and appointed officials and legislative staff; provides overall analysis and tracking of governmental and legislative actions; advises the City on opportunities to participate in advocacy efforts in furtherance of the City's agenda; assists the City in passage of proactive legislative initiatives; assists the City in the defeat of legislation that could have a negative impact on the City's ability to carry out its governmental functions; consults with the City regarding the effectiveness of its efforts; attends meetings of the legislature and regulatory bodies that could impact the City's objectives; assists in the preparation of testimony before the State Legislature; and assists in the coordination, development and implementation of the City's overall legislative agenda.

The current retainer of $9,500 per month with a $350 per month for monthly expenses associated with client-related business meetings will remain unchanged. The City will pay for travel expenses of the Consultant if the City requests FA’s presence at more than two meetings, per year, outside of Austin, Texas. Additionally, the contract will continue to include a conflict of interest clause requiring FA to immediately bring potential conflicts to the City's attention immediately. In such cases of irreconcilable legislative conflicts between a private sector interest and the City, the contract states that FA agrees to resolve the difference in favor of the City's position.

Therefore, after reviewing this item with the City Council IG Committee on March 20, 2018, staff recommends that the City Council approve the renewal of a contract for state legislative consulting services with Focused Advocacy, LLC, for another two-year term beginning June 1, 2018, and ending May 31, 2020.

The budgeted amount for the next two years is as follows: $39,400 for the remainder of FY18 ($9,850 per month from June 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018); $118,200 for FY19 ($9,850 per month from October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019); and $78,800 for FY20 ($9,850 per month from October 1, 2019 to May 31, 2020).

The cost for this contract is a 50/50 split between the General Fund and the Surface Water Fund - as half of the contract is funded out of the Surface Water Fund to carry out work necessary to protect the City’s water rights, ensure fair and adequate representation on various surface water boards developed by the legislature, and to provide for protection against harmful legislation that affects the surface water program.


EXPENDITURE REQUIRED:  $39,400 (Remainder of FY18)

CURRENT BUDGET: $39,400 (Remainder of FY18)


FUNDING SOURCE:50/50 split between the General Fund and the Surface Water Fund

2018-2020 Focused Advocacy Renewal LetterContracts
Form 1295 & HB 89Contracts