Item Coversheet

City Council Agenda Request
August 28, 2018


AGENDA OF: City Council Meeting

INITIATED BY: Justin Alderete, Budget Officer

PRESENTED BY: Jennifer Brown, Director of Finance


PUBLIC HEARING 5:30 P.M.: Receive and hear all persons desiring to be heard regarding the proposed 2018 property tax rate for the City of Sugar Land.
Receive and hear all persons desiring to speak on the proposed tax rate for 2018 for the City of Sugar Land.

Property Taxes


As a leader in financial stewardship across the state and nation, the City has intentionally focused on the development of resiliency initiatives and innovative constraint in response to the uncertainty of the regional economy in recent years.  These efforts are a major part how the City is able to maintain the second lowest tax rate in the State of Texas among cities our size. 


Accomplishments include:


  • Sugar Land has lowered its property tax rate over 18 cents since 1993 and now boasts the second lowest tax rate in the State among cities our size. 
  • Over the last 15 years, the average value home has increased by about 5% annually, while the average tax bill has only increased by about 3% annually over the same time period.
  • The City of Sugar Land makes up only 15% of the average residential tax bill.


The adoption of the City’s property tax rate is governed by Chapter 26 of the Tax Code. This chapter sets strict timelines and processes that must be followed each year by the City to set the annual tax rate and levy the property taxes - which are a substantial portion of the City’s revenue stream each year.


On July 25th, the City received the Certified Tax Roll for 2018. The tax roll shows Net Assessed Valuation of $16.099 billion to the City, taking into account 95% of the value under review ($269 million) at the time of certification.


Based on the certified taxable values and other reports received, the Fort Bend County Tax Office has calculated the City’s effective tax rate for 2018, which is the tax rate that generates the same amount of revenue for FY19 as was generated in FY18 based on the properties that were taxed in both years. The effective tax rate for 2018 is $0.30948.


As recommended by the City Manager, the proposed FY19 budget and CIP can be funded with a flat tax rate of $0.31762 - which is 2.63% above the effective tax rate. With that said, City Council is considering up to a one-cent increase to fund the remaining projects from the 2013 voter approved GO bonds for parks. As such, on August 9th, the City Council directed staff to publish a notice of proposed tax rate of $0.32762 for 2018, which is a one cent increase from to the 2017 tax rate, and the City Council would like to receive input from residents regarding the proposal. Should City Council move forward with the one-cent increase - which would still be the second lowest tax rate in the State of Texas among cities of similar size, staff will evaluate the possibility of a one percent increase to the homestead exemption in the spring of 2019.


The attached notice of proposed 2018 tax rate was published on August 15, 2018 in the City's newspaper of record, at least 7 days prior to the first public hearing, as required by Local Government Code 140.010.


Budget and Tax Rate Process


The City has extensively utilized social media and the website to help educate residents about the proposed budget. Since the City's budget is essentially our residents' budget, it is targeted to address priorities identified by residents. We invite them to become involved and will continue to do so throughout the budget and tax rate setting process. Additionally, extra efforts have been made to provide information to the City Council as early as possible, including written documentation of questions and requests for additional information.


Staff recommends that the City Council hold the first public hearing tonight. A second public hearing is scheduled for 6:00 PM on Tuesday, September 4, and the budget and tax rate are scheduled for consideration and approval on September 18, 2018.






Notice of 2018 Proposed Tax RateOther Supporting Documents
Presentation - PH3aPresentation