The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is widening US90A at SH99, and the City's waterline and hydrants located inside the TxDOT right of way (ROW); they will need to be relocated due to conflicts with the proposed improvements. The project scope includes the installation of approximately 3,000 linear feet of a new 12-inch water line along the southside of US90A from Cunningham Creek Blvd to Gateway Boulevard. The new water line will run parallel to the existing water line. The existing water line will no longer be in service and will be abandoned in place once the new water line is installed.
The contract documents and specifications were recently completed, and an Invitation to Bid (ITB) was advertised on January 22 and January 29, 2020. Bids were opened on February 13, 2020, and seven (7) bids were received for the project. The bid summary follows:
Total Bid
Engineers Estimate $339,000.00
P&Z Logistics Inc
$ 191,145.00
Aranda Industries LLC
$ 259,584.00
Barclays Premier Utility |
$ 268,590.00 |
AR Turnkee Construction |
$ 280,669.00 |
Scohil Construction |
$ 297,235.50 |
Android Construction
Main Lane Industries
The responsible low bidder is P&Z Logistics Inc., with a total bid of $191,145.00. The engineer’s opinion of the probable construction cost was $339,000.00.
Funding for this project is available from CIP WA1905 - US90A at SH99 Water Line Relocation Project with an available balance of $350,000.00. The Notice to Proceed is planned to be issued in March 2020, and the contract time is 90 calendar days for construction. The anticipated completion of the project is expected to be in July 2020.
In accordance with Policy CO-0110, Notification of Construction Impacts and Service Interruptions, the US90A at SH99 Water Line Relocation Project is classified as a Localized Project. The project will have no service interruptions (i.e., water/sewer interruption, power outage, solid waste collection, mail and/or school transportation interruptions).
The Engineering and Public Works Departments recommend the execution of a construction contract in the amount of $191,145.00 with P&Z Logistics Inc. for the US90A at SH99 Water Line Relocation project, CIP WA1905.