Item Coversheet

City Council Agenda Request
August 4, 2020


AGENDA OF: City Council Meeting

INITIATED BY: Andrea Broughton, PE, Assistant City Engineer

PRESENTED BY: Andrea Broughton, Assistant City Engineer


Consideration of and action on authorizing the execution of a Construction Contract with Thakkar Development Company, in the amount of $130,754.66, for CIP PK1901 - Mayfield Park Restroom Project; and a Budget Amendment, in the amount of $48,000.00, from the Sugar Land 4B Corporation to CIP PK1901.

Authorize the execution of a construction contract with Thakkar Development Company, for CIP PK1901 - Mayfield Park Restroom Project, in the amount of $130,754.66 and a budget amendment of $48,000.00 from SL4B to CIP PK1901.


In May 2018, the Mayfield Park improvements construction was completed. These improvements included new trails, playground, basketball court, pavilion, entry sign, landscaping, irrigation, site furnishings, and drainage improvements. During a public engagement meeting on June 24, 2019, a new restroom for Mayfield Park was requested by the Mayfield residents.


The restroom building will be one facility with a separated entrance for men and women on each side of the building. The project includes site preparation to extend utilities and electrical to the new restroom location, landscape improvements, and site restoration of impacted areas due to construction. The following features are also included:


  • Covered entry with timber truss system Stainless steel fixtures
  • Brick on entry posts up to 30'
  • Combination siding and brick exterior to 7'-4'
  • Security Floodlights mounted at each corner of the building Standing Seam metal roof
  • CorWorth Management System which remotely monitors lighting and water usage 


The project was advertised on April 15 and April 22 for public bid. Three (3) bids were received, and were opened on April 30, 2020; the lowest responsive bid was $130,754.66.  The bid summary is as follows:






Thakkar Development Company



Main Lane Industries, LTD.



Aranda Industries, LLC.



Architect's Cost Estimate



The qualified low bidder is Thakkar Development Company, LLC, with a bid of $130,754.66. Original funding for this project is available from CIP PK1901 with an initial budget of $278,000.00 (Community Development Block Grant Funds). The current remaining available funds after Design Phase and purchase of the pre-fabricated restroom structure are $83,488.92. SL4B approved a funding resolution on July 15, 2020, to provide an additional $48,000.00 for the installation of the restroom and other associated work. Staff feels that the increase in the cost is partially tied to the CDBG requirements for this project and the extensive documentation and requirements that are associated with the use of those funds.


Anticipated funding needs are as follows:


Construction Contract



Available Budget in PK1901


Budget Amendment from SL4B


Total Budget



The Notice to Proceed for the project is anticipated to be issued in August 2020. The work is anticipated to be completed within 60 calendar days.


In accordance with Policy CO-110, Notification of Construction Impacts and Service Interruptions, the Mayfield Park Restroom Project is classified as a Neighborhood Project. However, the project will have no service interruptions (i.e. water/sewer interruption, power outage, solid waste collection, mail and/or school transportation interruptions). Since a section of the park will be impacted by the new restroom installation, staff will provide notification to the neighborhood.


The Engineering and Parks and Recreation Department recommend that the City Council authorize the execution of a construction contract with Thakkar Development Company, LLC for CIP PK1901 Mayfield Park Restroom Improvements, in the amount of $130,754.66; and approve a budget amendment of $48,000.00 from SL4B to CIP PK1901.



CURRENT BUDGET: $83,488.92

ADDITIONAL FUNDING: $48,000 SL4B Corporation


Signed ContractContracts
Letter of Recommendation - PK1901Letter of Recommendation
Form 1295 - PK1901 MayfieldOther Supporting Documents
Map - MayfieldMaps