Item Coversheet

City Council Agenda Request
March 6, 2018


AGENDA OF: City Council Meeting

INITIATED BY: Keisha E. Seals, Engineering Manager

PRESENTED BY: Keisha Seals, Engineering Manager


Consideration of and action on authorizing execution of a Public Highway At-Grade Crossing Agreement in the amount of $657,352.00 with Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) for South Dairy Ashford Road DOT Number 745044J, Dairy Ashford Widening Project, CIP No. ST1405.
Approve and authorize the execution of the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) Public Highway At-Grade Crossing Agreement establishing the conditions and estimated costs in the amount of $657,352.00. for the Dairy Ashford  Widening Project, CIP No. ST1405.

In February 2014, the City Council approved the design contract for the Dairy Ashford Widening Project, CIP ST1405. The design project moved forward after the completion of the Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) which identified several options to improve capacity, reduce delays and improve mobility between US Highway 59 and Dairy Ashford/US 90A intersection north of the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) tracks to Julie Rivers Drive.

In 2015, UPRR extended the existing railroad line through the City of Sugar Land (City). The extension included a second track through the Dairy Ashford location. Staff coordinated with UPRR regarding the construction of the second track in 2014, as well as the Dairy Ashford widening construction across the tracks. As part of the permitting process the City is required to reimburse UPRR for review of all designs impacting their tracks, as well as perform all construction pertaining to relocation of any railroad materials (i.e. gate arms, signals, etc.). The Agreement is required to be in place prior to any work commencing in the UPRR rights-of-way.

The attachment is the final Agreement with the associated UPRR review/design fees of $17,400 and an estimated cost associated with UPRR work performance for the crossing improvements of $639,952. The Agreement outlines the following:

City Obligations


City will:

1)  Construct, maintain and repair the roadway over and across the tracks;
2). Install the conduit with the necessary wiring on railroad rights-of-way for the purpose of advanced signal preemption;
3). Fund all associated materials and labor for the work to be performed by UPRR related to the City's requested project - $639,952;
3). Pay for the execution and delivery of the Agreement (which includes UPRR plan review/approval and signal design fees) - $17,400;
4). Contractor to submit a Right-of-Entry Agreement prior to commencing any work within the UPRR rights-of-way

UPRR Obligations


UPRR will:
1). Relocate the existing cabin;
2). Relocate existing gate arms and install new gate arms;
3). Removal of existing crossing surface;
4). Extend existing crossing surface on the east side and install new surface, including ties and rail on the west side;

The Dairy Ashford widening design phase is 95% complete. Bid documents are being finalized with an anticipated bid date in late March to early April 2018. The award of the construction contract is anticipated in April/May 2018.

Funding for the At-Grade Crossing Agreement is available in CIP ST1405 with an remaining fund balance of $6,410,431.72.

Staff recommends that City Council authorize the approval of the execution of the UPRR Public Highway At-Grade Crossing Agreement establishing the conditions and estimated costs in the amount of $657,352 for the Dairy Ashford Widening Project, CIP ST1405.



CURRENT BUDGET: 6,410,431.72


FUNDING SOURCE:CO's, Revenue Bonds, Other

UPRR Public Hwy At-Grade Crossing AgreementAgreement
Presentation - CA 6aPresentation